It is very common to experience some sort
of pain in your spine when you first wake up in the morning. Usually as the day
progresses the pain gradually goes away. This condition is caused by some sort
of triggers which means because or certain movements or any condition affects
the back muscles or the nerves and discs surrounding the area and is called
trigger pain. As the morning spine is fairly common, people make a lot of
assumptions about its causes. It is not good for your health to keep it
untreated for long as your condition might worsen and turn into something more
complex which is difficult to cure. Listed below are some myths regarding
morning spine pain which you should not believe.
It is normal to have regular back pain in the morning-
If you experience morning back pain occasionally, then there is
nothing to fuss about. It might be caused by some temporary reason. But if it
becomes a regular thing, it is something to worry about. You should visit a
doctor as soon as possible about it.
Your problem will be solved just by switching the mattress-
You might experience spinal pain sometimes in the morning if your
mattress does not offer any support. But you can’t expect it to be the case every
time. Changing the mattress won’t make your condition any better if there is an
underlying issue which you keep ignoring.
Pain medication and resting will treat you-
Initially,for the first few days, you might see that by resting your
morning spine pain gets better. But if you rest too much, your condition might
worsen as the muscles around your spine will get weak and turn your pain into a
chronic one. Pain medications, on the other hand, temporarily remove the pain
but don’t actually treat the underlying cause.
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